Friday 26 February 2010

The Unpicker

Moving swiftly onto the Unpicker. Not the opposite of the Picker, sadly there is no such thing. But what a lovely word, so simple and unpretentious and to the point. The Unpicker unpicks. Sometimes it unpicks tacking you’ve put in. Mostly though it unpicks the little balls of snared up threads, the lines of stitching that went mad, the hole you were meant to leave open for the stuffing but accidentally sewed closed. It’s there to undo the badly done so that no one need ever know what a total cock up you made in the first place. It soothes ruffles feathers, restores hope, takes suffering away - the Florence Nightingale of the toolbox. And so small you can tuck it handily away in your pocket, remembering to keep the lid on.

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